Sunday, September 19, 2010

Churchill's Open Mic is on hold.

I'd like to say thank you to David and Kate Swain as well as the staff and patrons of Churchill's Bar & Grill for a great 8+ months of open mics. We've decided to put it on hold for a while due to the current low attendance.  This my friends, is just about the only thing that will kill and open mic.  Low attendance can be caused by a myriad of reasons, but the result is usually the same.  It's kind of the opposite of the "if you build it they will come" phylosophy.  It's more like "if you don't show, it's gotta go".  Many thanks to each and everyone of you that have understand this and have given me your support and encouragement.  It is greatly appreciated.

For now, we are looking at other venues for the open mic, and ways to revive the attendance at Churchill's.  If anyone has any suggestions to either of these ends please send them my way.  In the mean time, we still have Thursdays at Ashford Arms as well as many other excellent open mics all over town throughout the week.  Please get out and support live local music, and support open mics.  Let's not let another one fall by the wayside.



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